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10 Golden Rules to Weight Training for Over 40s

10 workout tips for men over 40

The benefits of resistance training as we age are truly remarkable. If you're in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond and want to slow down the ageing process and maintain your vibrancy, then science consistently shows that resistance training with weights is essential.

From improved brain function and overall health to better metabolism and blood sugar control, the list of benefits from lifting weights is impressive.

But at Flex Appeal, I take this potentially life-changing scientific knowledge a step further. I use it to create training programs for hundreds of clients over 40, helping them get into the best shape of their lives.

You may have heard about the 'inevitable' onset of sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass, and how we're destined to waste away as we approach our middle ages. Well, I call B.S. on that.

I've seen too many cases of clients in their middle ages building muscle and losing fat at rates equal to, and sometimes even better than, our younger clients. I know it's not true that age is a barrier to fitness.

Just take a look at some of the #transformations we've achieved at Flex Appeal. They're clear evidence that age is just a number when it comes to fitness.

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So how do I train clients in their 40s, 50s ?

I work with clients who are in their 40s, 50s, and even beyond. What I've noticed is that their goals are often quite different from those of my younger clients.

Those in their 20s and early 30s often walk through my door with a single-minded focus on a complete physique transformation. They're all about aesthetics, and that's great. But when it comes to my clients in their 40s and 50s, while they still care about how they look (and who doesn't?), their goals tend to be more diverse.

At Flex Appeal, we specialise in body composition, but for my clients in the prime of their lives, other aspects such as strength, mobility, and overall #health also take centre stage. These factors need to be considered when crafting our training programs.

The truth is, my middle-aged clients want to look good, but they also want to feel a hundred times better than they did in their 20s and early 30s. They're often coming from a place where past lifestyle choices have left them feeling less than their best, both physically and physiologically.

That being said, whether someone is a complete beginner or an advanced trainee, there are certain principles that are particularly relevant to this age group. So, if you're a man over 40 looking to incorporate weight training into your fitness regimen, here are 10 golden rules to keep in mind.

1. Stay Injury-Free:

The key to a successful and sustainable weight training routine is to avoid injuries. This means listening to your body and understanding the difference between good pain (muscle fatigue) and bad pain (sharp or persistent pain). It's not about pushing your limits every time, but about consistent, safe progress.

2. Spend More Time in ‘Accumulation’ Phases:

Accumulation phases focus on higher repetitions with lighter weights. This approach helps build muscular endurance and promotes joint health, which is crucial for those #over40.

3. Increase Time Under Tension:

Slowing down your repetitions increases the time your muscles are under tension. This technique can stimulate muscle growth without needing to lift heavy weights, reducing the risk of injury. It also encourages better form and control during exercises.

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4. Reduce Frequency of Spinal Loading:

Exercises that load the spine, like squats and deadlifts, can be tough on your back. Try incorporating variations that reduce spinal load, like goblet squats or trap bar deadlifts. This can help maintain your spinal health while still providing the benefits of these compound exercises.

5. Focus on Quality Over Quantity:

It's better to do fewer repetitions with perfect form than more repetitions with poor form. Quality movement promotes better muscle activation and reduces the risk of injury. It also ensures that you're effectively working the intended muscles.

6. Warm Up, Mobility, and Stretch:

A good warm-up, along with regular mobility exercises and stretching, prepares your body for the workout and helps maintain flexibility and range of motion. This is especially important as flexibility tends to decrease with age.

12 week transformation program Flex Appeal

7. Utilise Conditioning:

Conditioning exercises, like kettlebell swings or sled pushes, can boost your cardiovascular health and improve recovery without the joint impact of traditional cardio. These #exercises can also help improve your endurance and stamina, making your weight training more effective.

8. Incorporate Lots of Variety in Training:

Mixing up your exercises not only keeps your workouts interesting, but it also challenges your body in different ways, promoting overall fitness and preventing plateaus. This could mean changing up the exercises, the equipment, the rep scheme, or even the tempo of your lifts.

personal training for men over 40

9. Stabilise:

Core and balance exercises help improve stability, reducing the risk of falls and injuries. They also support better movement patterns in your weight training exercises. This could include exercises like planks, single-leg exercises, or exercises on an unstable surface like a BOSU ball.

10. Stay Active and Enjoy What You Do:

The best exercise is the one you enjoy and can stick with. Regular physical activity, whether it's weight training, walking, cycling, or playing a sport, contributes to your overall health and well-being. It's about making fitness a part of your lifestyle, not just a chore


Weight training over 40 can be a powerful tool for improving strength, boosting metabolism, and enhancing overall health. Remember, it's never too late to start, and every little bit counts.

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If you're a busy professional looking for fitness solutions that fit your lifestyle, I invite you to enquire about my 12-week transformation program. Designed specifically for adults over 40, this program combines these golden rules with a comprehensive fitness and #nutritioncoaching plan to help you achieve your goals in a realistic and sustainable way.

Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if you're ready to take the next step on your fitness journey. I'm here to help you navigate the path to better health and fitness. Follow me on Instagram .

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