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How to lose weight fast ?

A No-Nonsense Guide for Quick Results

As a seasoned personal trainer in Dunlaoghaire Dublin, I'm all about transparency and results. With the holiday season upon us, many of you might be looking for a way to lose weight quickly before indulging in the festive feasts. Let's cut to the chase: I'm talking about a drastic calorie deficit. It's not for the faint-hearted, but it's a surefire way to see significant weight loss, ranging from 2 kg (4.4 pounds) to 4 kg (8.8 pounds) within a week, just in time for Christmas.

How to lose weight fast ?

The Strategy: Drastic Calorie Deficit

Before we start, remember, this approach is intense and should only be followed for a short period, like a week. It's all about striking a balance between effectiveness and safety! Any questions email me.

MEN: Pick your weight

Baseline Caloric Needs (Estimated)

  1. 80 kg Man

  • Maintenance Calories: ~2500-2700 per day

  • With 1000 Calorie Deficit: 1500-1700 calories per day

  1. 90 kg Man

  • Maintenance Calories: ~2700-2900 per day

  • With 1000 Calorie Deficit: 1700-1900 calories per day

  1. 100 kg Man

  • Maintenance Calories: ~2900-3100 per day

  • With 1000 Calorie Deficit: 1900-2100 calories per day

  1. 120 kg Man

  • Maintenance Calories: ~3100-3300 per day

  • With 1000 Calorie Deficit: 2100-2300 calories per day

Your Diet: A Tailored 3-Meal Daily Plan

This plan is centered around intermittent fasting, with your eating window set from 3 PM to 11 PM. It's designed for various weight categories, and all you need to do is select the one that aligns with your current weight.

Here's the key: I'm providing the types of foods for each meal. You'll need to measure and track your portions using a food app. This is crucial for maintaining the right calorie deficit for your category. My clients can easily do this through the Flex Appeal app. If you're not a client, a good alternative is MyFitnessPal.

How to lose weight fast?

80 kg Man (1500-1700 Calories per Day)

Meal 1

  • Full Egg: 2 large (140 calories)

  • Turkey Rashers: 50g (60 calories)

  • Avocado: 50g (80 calories)

  • Asparagus: 100g (20 calories)

Meal 2

  • Chicken Breast: 150g (165 calories)

  • Broccoli or Green Beans: 150g (50 calories)

  • Brazil Nuts: 15g (90 calories)

  • Pumpkin Seeds: 15g (85 calories)

Meal 3

  • Beef Fillet Steak: 150g (225 calories)

  • Potatoes: 150g (120 calories)

  • A bit of Butter: 10g (72 calories)

  • Tomatoes & Green Leafy Salad: 150g (30 calories)

90 kg Man (1700-1900 Calories per Day)

Meal 1

  • Full Egg: 3 large (210 calories)

  • Turkey Rashers: 75g (90 calories)

  • Avocado: 75g (120 calories)

  • Asparagus: 150g (30 calories)

Meal 2

  • Chicken Breast: 200g (220 calories)

  • Broccoli or Green Beans: 200g (66 calories)

  • Brazil Nuts: 20g (120 calories)

  • Pumpkin Seeds: 20g (113 calories)

Meal 3

  • Beef Fillet Steak: 200g (300 calories)

  • Potatoes: 200g (160 calories)

  • A bit of Butter: 15g (108 calories)

  • Tomatoes & Green Leafy Salad: 200g (40 calories)

100 kg Man (1900-2100 Calories per Day)

Meal 1

  • Full Egg: 4 large (280 calories)

  • Turkey Rashers: 100g (120 calories)

  • Avocado: 100g (160 calories)

  • Asparagus: 200g (40 calories)

Meal 2

  • Chicken Breast: 250g (275 calories)

  • Broccoli or Green Beans: 250g (83 calories)

  • Brazil Nuts: 25g (150 calories)

  • Pumpkin Seeds: 25g (142 calories)

Meal 3

  • Beef Fillet Steak: 250g (375 calories)

  • Potatoes: 250g (200 calories)

  • A bit of Butter: 20g (144 calories)

  • Tomatoes & Green Leafy Salad: 250g (50 calories)

120 kg Man (2100-2300 Calories per Day)

Meal 1

  • Full Egg: 5 large (350 calories)

  • Turkey Rashers: 125g (150 calories)

  • Avocado: 125g (200 calories)

  • Asparagus: 250g (50 calories)

Meal 2

  • Chicken Breast: 300g (330 calories)

  • Broccoli or Green Beans: 300g (100 calories)

  • Brazil Nuts: 30g (180 calories)

  • Pumpkin Seeds: 30g (170 calories)

Meal 3

  • Beef Fillet Steak: 300g (450 calories)

  • Potatoes: 300g (240 calories)

  • A bit of Butter: 25g (180 calories)

  • Tomatoes & Green Leafy Salad: 300g (60 calories)

Important Notes:

  • Calorie counts are approximate and can vary based on the preparation method and specific product types.

  • Adjust the portions slightly if needed to fit into the specific calorie range for each category.

  • It's essential to use a food scale for accurate measurement.

Remember, this diet plan should be followed within the intermittent fasting window from 3 PM to 11 PM.

Your training:

In alignment with your diet plan, I've created a straightforward training regimen. Your aim is simple yet effective: achieve a minimum of 10,000 steps daily. This is more than just walking; it's a foundational activity that keeps your metabolism active and contributes to a steady calorie burn. You have plenty places to visit in Dunlaoghaire, 10,000 steps is nothing.

Alongside your daily steps, commit to three full-body workout sessions each week. These workouts are crucial for building strength and enhancing muscle tone across your entire body. They not only improve your physical fitness but also increase your metabolic rate, which is essential for weight loss.

Now, regarding cardio – it's optional in this phase. Given the 1000 calorie deficit already established through your diet, combined with the calorie-burning effect of full-body workouts, additional cardio isn't necessary for significant weight loss. However, if you feel inclined to include it, a moderate approach of 20-30 minutes per day is more than sufficient.

Full Body Workout Plan: Balanced Circuit Training

This workout includes two exercises for each major muscle group, one for smaller muscle groups, and additional exercises for core strengthening and elevating your heart rate. Very similar approach i use on my client when we do 12 weeks personal training program(click here to find out more)

12 week body transformation dunlaoghaire

Workout Structure

  • Frequency: 3 times per week.

  • Circuit: Perform each exercise in sequence with minimal rest. After completing one round, rest for 1-2 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times.

  • Adjustments: Modify reps and weights to suit your fitness level.

Circuit Exercises

Legs (Major Muscle Group)

  1. Squats: 15-20 reps

  • Standard squats targeting the entire lower body.

  1. Lunges: 10-15 reps per leg

  • Alternating forward lunges.

Chest (Major Muscle Group)

  1. Push-Ups: 10-15 reps

  • Standard or knee-supported for beginners.

  1. Chest Flyes: 12-15 reps

  • Using dumbbells, extend arms out to the sides and bring them together above your chest.

Back (Major Muscle Group)

  1. Bent-Over Rows: 12-15 reps

  • With dumbbells, hinge at the waist and row the weights to your ribs.

  1. Deadlifts: 10-12 reps

  • Focus on form, lifting with your legs and back straight.

Shoulders (Smaller Muscle Group)

  1. Shoulder Press: 12-15 reps

  • Seated or standing, press weights from shoulder height to above your head.

Arms (Smaller Muscle Group)

  1. Bicep Curls: 12-15 reps

  • Standard curls with dumbbells.

  1. Tricep Dips: 10-15 reps

  • Using a bench or chair for support.

Core (Major Muscle Group)

  1. Plank: Hold for 30-60 seconds

  • Forearms on the ground, body in a straight line.

  1. Russian Twists: 15-20 reps per side

  • Sitting, twist your torso side to side with or without weight.

High Pulse Exercises

  1. Jumping Jacks: 30-60 seconds

  • Classic cardio exercise for full-body engagement.

  1. Mountain Climbers: 30-60 seconds

  • In a plank position, bring knees to chest alternately at a fast pace.

Cooling Down

  • Include a 5-10 minute stretch focusing on all major muscle groups to aid recovery and flexibility.

The Benefits

This balanced approach ensures comprehensive training of all muscle groups, enhancing strength, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness. The inclusion of high-pulse exercises not only improves heart health but also aids in fat burning. Core exercises enhance stability and posture, crucial for overall functional fitness.

Ready to Transform Your Fitness Journey?

You've seen the plan – a balanced, scientifically-backed approach to diet and exercise, designed to set you on the path to your fitness goals. Now, it's time to take the next step. Remember, the journey to better health and fitness is not just about following the 12 week body transformation plan; it's about making a commitment to yourself.

Why Choose This Plan?

  • Tailored to You: Whether you're just starting out or looking to intensify your fitness journey, this plan adapts to your needs.

  • Science-Driven: Every aspect, from the diet to the workout, is grounded in proven fitness and nutritional science.

  • Holistic Approach: It's not just about losing weight or gaining muscle; it's about improving your overall health and well-being.

Take Action Today!

  • Sign Up Now: Gain exclusive access to personalised advice, support, and motivation.

  • Download the App: Get the Flex Appeal app for easy tracking of your diet and exercise, and stay connected with tips, updates, and encouragement.

  • Commit to Yourself: Your fitness journey is a personal investment. Start today, and see the transformation for yourself.

You have the plan, the tools, and the support. All that's missing is your commitment. Let's START this journey together and achieve those fitness goals!

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